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My Feelings during the Board Exam

 The board exams have started,
And my spirits are high,
All my leisure and luxuries have parted,
My ambitions are high.

Sometimes I shiver and my eyes start blinking,
It is just because I get so excited,
But, only after a little thinking,
I find myself enlightened.

At times, all things seem to be mixed up,
I find myself helpless.
But then I say to myself – Cheer up,
And never again be careless.

At the first glance of the question paper,
Answers seem to be hidden in the den.
But after a careful reading of the wrapper,
They are at the tip of my pen.

The thing one needs the most is confidence,
Whatever I studied and assimilated;
I will always remember – says my conscience,
So I find myself always elevated.

Often do I pray to God,
The blessings of my parents and teachers,
Make me determined and firm as an iron rod,
Their words stay in my mind as those of preachers.

My friends do encourage me,
That I can surely do it,
My ambitions and hopes tell me,
The fire in me is already lit.

The instructions and words of my elders,
O! One can see it in their eyes,
Much expectations and anxiety it renders,
Following their words I become wise.

These are moments of remembrance,
That will surely change my lifestyle,
It has in it, its own fragrance,
This, of course will model anyone’s profile.

And now I must go to sleep,
For it’s already three in the morning now,
Otherwise for writing such long poems I may have to weep,
And make my result raw.


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