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A Dream

I have a dream to fulfill, Dream which I have seen from years, For fulfilling it I will pass through any thrill, I don’t have any sort of fears. A dream, fir fulfilling which, I will have to labor hard, And I know, there, I will surely reach, You can write this on any card. Not many choose this stream, Most of them run after money, For me, fulfillment of my dream, Will be sweeter than honey. It’s the main aim of my life, There are so many dangers in this field, O! there are always chances of strife, And in such circumstances, one does not time to shield. The fulfillment of my dream, Will always let my parents’ lift heads high, Because I will be an Indian cream, And for all medals I will try. A Dream, after it’s fulfillment , I will be proud to be an Indian, And people will exclaim out of excitement – He is a CHAMPION.
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Happy feeling

There’s so few a moment When you feel far from any cry, You just want to fly And touch the sky. Out of nowhere you feel so queer When someone becomes dear, At all times you want someone near You wish someone were actually here. However hard you try, you can’t suppress you smile You just want to feel free flying for a while, When someone’s picture seems so very clear even from a mile Its then you know, your emotions are flowing with the Nile.


Thousands of feelings come to you when you are excited, Sometimes you think seriously and other times you are delighted. You of course think of something too high and good, Perhaps about dating and eating fast food. You just want to jump and hover around, The depth of your feelings at that moment cannot be found. The whole world seems to be very beautiful, As it is the only time when you, though not in tension, cant keep your cool. Certainly at this time no one knows about your temperament, And this is exactly what happens in excitement.


I find myself crawling in a corner, Lying down alone, world seems dark and dim. Trying every moment to push myself further, Cheerfulness appears to be a fancy whim. I feel so heavy from within, My body tired, my feet worn out. There’s no sigh of relief herein, The hidden wounds and pain shout. My body shivers in the cold nights, This loneliness makes my emotions chill. I fight alone against my own frights, Killing all my excitement, all my thrill. The pain has not subsided with time, Lying somewhere deep within the crust. With none do my feelings rhyme, Now it’s only my God that I do trust.


There is no sight of relief, The wounds cut deep, The moments get dark, As the dogs around me bark. People love to play with patience, Never caring, within it creates nuisance. Some claim they feel the pains, Their sense of feelings, sometimes just drains. Few seem understanding Bonds, with no withstanding. Every storm now gets closer, Chances of escape getting narrower. Troubles keep kicking peace of mind, I can’t find a friend to bind. Agony increases, pain intensifies, I doubt if anyone hears my silent cries. It has been my fault somewhere, I lost it bothering too much for care. To few, I can now be near, For every known person, I’ll have some fear.


Every time I breathe in, I feel you inside me, Every time I open my eyes, I see you in front of me, Every time I walk, I feel you walking beside me, Every time I run or chase, I find you encouraging  me to win, Every time I stand and look up in the sky, I see only your smiling face, Every time I close my eyes, I find u resting in my eyes, Every time I smell flowers, I feel your fragrance, Every time I try to find a match for bliss, I find only you, Every time I feel week, the feeling of you being within me, fills me with energy, Every time I am down, I find you there to support me, Every time I think of a person with whom I am myself, I can find only you, Every time I am with you, I feel confident, Every time I talk to you, I know how people conquer great heights, Every time I think of you, I understand what it means to be chaste and pure, Every time I think of relationship with you, I think of God, Every time I breathe you, feel you, think of you,

I Miss You

    It’s so lovely, it’s so dark, My heart is pounding – sue. To hear your voice, it’s just like lark, How should I tell you, I miss you, I miss you. Nothing’s radiant around me, World is so boring and dull without you. Nowhere now I feel free, How should I tell you, I miss you, I miss you. That everlasting smile, I remember all your innocence. They always kept me agile, It helped me to carry on patience. Many a things of beauty pass by, Only, never to have my eye. Nothing’s charming without you, How should I tell you, I miss you, I miss you. Be it the sun rising, Or the ever cool moon, I could only see you smiling, With the hope to see you soon. Altogether, only one thing I can wind, That you are always on my mind. You, you, you, you and only you, How do I tell you, I miss you, I miss you.