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Showing posts from October, 2017

A Dream

I have a dream to fulfill, Dream which I have seen from years, For fulfilling it I will pass through any thrill, I don’t have any sort of fears. A dream, fir fulfilling which, I will have to labor hard, And I know, there, I will surely reach, You can write this on any card. Not many choose this stream, Most of them run after money, For me, fulfillment of my dream, Will be sweeter than honey. It’s the main aim of my life, There are so many dangers in this field, O! there are always chances of strife, And in such circumstances, one does not time to shield. The fulfillment of my dream, Will always let my parents’ lift heads high, Because I will be an Indian cream, And for all medals I will try. A Dream, after it’s fulfillment , I will be proud to be an Indian, And people will exclaim out of excitement – He is a CHAMPION.

Happy feeling

There’s so few a moment When you feel far from any cry, You just want to fly And touch the sky. Out of nowhere you feel so queer When someone becomes dear, At all times you want someone near You wish someone were actually here. However hard you try, you can’t suppress you smile You just want to feel free flying for a while, When someone’s picture seems so very clear even from a mile Its then you know, your emotions are flowing with the Nile.


Thousands of feelings come to you when you are excited, Sometimes you think seriously and other times you are delighted. You of course think of something too high and good, Perhaps about dating and eating fast food. You just want to jump and hover around, The depth of your feelings at that moment cannot be found. The whole world seems to be very beautiful, As it is the only time when you, though not in tension, cant keep your cool. Certainly at this time no one knows about your temperament, And this is exactly what happens in excitement.


I find myself crawling in a corner, Lying down alone, world seems dark and dim. Trying every moment to push myself further, Cheerfulness appears to be a fancy whim. I feel so heavy from within, My body tired, my feet worn out. There’s no sigh of relief herein, The hidden wounds and pain shout. My body shivers in the cold nights, This loneliness makes my emotions chill. I fight alone against my own frights, Killing all my excitement, all my thrill. The pain has not subsided with time, Lying somewhere deep within the crust. With none do my feelings rhyme, Now it’s only my God that I do trust.


There is no sight of relief, The wounds cut deep, The moments get dark, As the dogs around me bark. People love to play with patience, Never caring, within it creates nuisance. Some claim they feel the pains, Their sense of feelings, sometimes just drains. Few seem understanding Bonds, with no withstanding. Every storm now gets closer, Chances of escape getting narrower. Troubles keep kicking peace of mind, I can’t find a friend to bind. Agony increases, pain intensifies, I doubt if anyone hears my silent cries. It has been my fault somewhere, I lost it bothering too much for care. To few, I can now be near, For every known person, I’ll have some fear.


Every time I breathe in, I feel you inside me, Every time I open my eyes, I see you in front of me, Every time I walk, I feel you walking beside me, Every time I run or chase, I find you encouraging  me to win, Every time I stand and look up in the sky, I see only your smiling face, Every time I close my eyes, I find u resting in my eyes, Every time I smell flowers, I feel your fragrance, Every time I try to find a match for bliss, I find only you, Every time I feel week, the feeling of you being within me, fills me with energy, Every time I am down, I find you there to support me, Every time I think of a person with whom I am myself, I can find only you, Every time I am with you, I feel confident, Every time I talk to you, I know how people conquer great heights, Every time I think of you, I understand what it means to be chaste and pure, Every time I think of relationship with you, I think of God, Every time I breathe you, feel you, think of you,

I Miss You

    It’s so lovely, it’s so dark, My heart is pounding – sue. To hear your voice, it’s just like lark, How should I tell you, I miss you, I miss you. Nothing’s radiant around me, World is so boring and dull without you. Nowhere now I feel free, How should I tell you, I miss you, I miss you. That everlasting smile, I remember all your innocence. They always kept me agile, It helped me to carry on patience. Many a things of beauty pass by, Only, never to have my eye. Nothing’s charming without you, How should I tell you, I miss you, I miss you. Be it the sun rising, Or the ever cool moon, I could only see you smiling, With the hope to see you soon. Altogether, only one thing I can wind, That you are always on my mind. You, you, you, you and only you, How do I tell you, I miss you, I miss you.


How sweet are the memories, Which come as a gust of wind. And free me of my worries, Whenever against any wall I am leaned. Memories that bring light in the dark, And joy in the moments of sorrow. OH! There is sweetness is more than that of a singing lark, The joy, which only I can experience, and none can borrow. What amazing power these memories have in them, They can easily hypnotize me. And make me remember my days of fame, Memories which give me pleasure only next to Thee. Memories that bring tears of joy in my eyes, And I remember some of the best moments of my life past. Remembering which I become wise, Each time I recall, they get even vast. O, the sweet memories, Those always relieve me of any sort of pain. And, of course, the sweetest feelings for me are, The memories, which come again, again and again…

My Feelings during the Board Exam

  The board exams have started, And my spirits are high, All my leisure and luxuries have parted, My ambitions are high. Sometimes I shiver and my eyes start blinking, It is just because I get so excited, But, only after a little thinking, I find myself enlightened. At times, all things seem to be mixed up, I find myself helpless. But then I say to myself – Cheer up, And never again be careless. At the first glance of the question paper, Answers seem to be hidden in the den. But after a careful reading of the wrapper, They are at the tip of my pen. The thing one needs the most is confidence, Whatever I studied and assimilated; I will always remember – says my conscience, So I find myself always elevated. Often do I pray to God, The blessings of my parents and teachers, Make me determined and firm as an iron rod, Their words stay in my mind as those of preachers. My friends do encourage me, That I can surely do it, My a

The War Song

My eyes still gazing wide, Feelings turbulent like a tide, I want to keep my emotions aside, I long for just one rougher ride. My heart is upbeat again for a thrill, I am challenging my own will, My subdued emotions are again sounding so shrill, Once more, I am ready for a rigorous drill. The fight had been left unfinished, The marks have not yet diminished. This time, they have a tougher metal to face, This Rock is now ready for any challenge in the race. Bring it on; I am ready for the war, Every emotion gone now, but the scar! This time it will not be a coward’s call, It’s going to be my kick, and the Empire will fall. When the going gets tough, I get ready, I get going, When the situations become rough, It’s only the war song that I sing.

The Evening

    It was the most beautiful evening in a long time, Voice from behind sounding like wind chime. Like some sweet music from a far off ravine, This evening gave him a feeling divine. After long he felt the cool wind blowing, After long he felt his rhythm flowing. Even the pulling of his back felt like pleasure, He knew these were moments he wanted to treasure. The smiles from behind felt like tinkling of bells, Like some melody coming from heavenly wells. Though this moment had come a little too late, Every moment felt like it was worth the wait.

The Butterfly

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         With a smile so sweet, a spirit so high, Up in the hills I met this butterfly. It was a soul so pure, with no sense of fraud. With beauty sublime, it felt like love of God, Dressed up in colors just two, it had pretensions so few, Elegant like the royal blue, it was a feeling so new. Flying free, tasting juices of lime and apple green, Humming its own songs, it was a beauty unseen. Everything went fine, alas! The last smile, This butterfly’s impression was going to last for a while.


It was a dark night when tragedy struck, It was dark when my destiny ran out of luck. It was so dark when my phone rang, It had spread the darkness forever with that bang. In the loneliness of the night I wept, Trying hard to pretend that I had slept. The desire to be happy had been swept, But there were many promises to be kept. In that moment of destiny’s ire, I knew I had lost my desire. In me, it had killed all the fire, I realized my freedom was only as wide as a wire. Why was I being punished for someone else’s mistake? Was it somewhere my fault, or only my fate? Now any moment of happiness would come very late, But I shall only wait a very long wait! The wounds deep within me, have not healed with time, I still hold many a feelings sublime. Those days of yore, my moments I sometimes try to mi m e, Thinking, would these wounds ever heal with time?

Ray Of Hope

In what state I am at present, I can explain to none, Only with one I am coherent, Am I being shun or its just fun? At times I feel delighted, Just like an electron being excited. At times I am frighten, Can any candle of hope be lighted? I know the troubles I will have to bear, I’ll face them boldly without any fear. As long as I am near, None can trouble my Dear. I do not know what God has decided for me, Will ever I and she become ‘we’? What all problems will I have to cope? Is there any ray of hope? Is there any ray of hope?

My Singing Lark

That night, after long, with peace I slept, With a happy heart and tears of joy, I wept. For so long, far away had my smiles been kept, The moment she entered my life, sorrows had left. With her a moment of joy, a moment of sorrow, All this, forever, I wish to borrow. One glimpse of her had me beauty redefine, One day, I wish to make her mine. None had charmed so well my health, She would be all my wealth, Once more, in me, I feel to have some desire, Once more, someone, in me, has lit the fire. I am not sure about the future, A lot of feelings I wish to nurture. I feel so clear and bright even in this dark, How thankful I am to my singing lark.

My Class - X 'A'

The spirituous X-A, It never says ‘nay’. It is always on its way, Filled with as much energy as each sun ray. It masters and excels and every way, That’s what they all say. It always wants to play, Be it any game that exists today. It plays football and cricket in the midday, That’s why it gets trophies in an array. ABCD….”EEEE” is the cheering word we always say, Our friends support us with such encouraging “thought of the day”. Even in troubles, firmly we stay, And face it bravely, saying OKAY. For each other we have taken pain, The strength of our brotherhood will never go in vain. Now, about responsibilities we must say, Let all of us take an oath and together we pray. We, the students of X-A, will never ever fray, We will find out the pearls, from every sea and bay. And the sweet fragrance of unity we will spray, So that the world forgets the way to betray.

When They Fought

A moment of joy, a moment of pain, With her I remember that joyous rain. One beautiful smile, one more sweet kiss, Now I remember those moments of bliss. In some confusion loving hearts were hung, Forgetting how melodious was the love song sung. Large stretch of distances had crept, Today, once more, silently, the lovers’ heart wept. Hardly when the souls started considering them one, When the unsaid promises were almost done, Even in fights, love they seemed to have made, Totally unaware, Cupid had other plans laid. She felt unwell, his heart sank, No one’s feelings one could bank. Differences between them had taken a huge leap, The lovers, with no peace, could not sleep. The starry night looked dull tonight, Lots of emotions they had to fight. Life suddenly started to seem nothing more than a plain sheet, With her gone, he never imagined life complete…


Before it gets a while, Before I forget your smile, Before it gets too distant and dark, Before I hear the last from my skylark, I want to relax and sit down, And remember once that sweet little frown. With heart torn, I sit with my emotions dry, I will bring my smiling face to say a goodbye. For the times you pushed the tears out of my stoned eyes, For the times you heard my silent cries, For the times in my dark world you brought light, For the times you gave me the strength to fight. My heart would cheer the tinkling of your sound, My heart would cheer the moments when we ran around, My heart would cheer the moments of happiness I found, My heart would cheer each moment I felt so profound...


As the days pass by Meeting you seems a far cry, But whenever things around you turn dry, To put everything alright, my best I'll try. Growing up we’ve become more busy Dealing with situations becoming uneasy, But whenever you feel dizzy and hazy To make u right I’ll always be crazy. There might be many a misunderstanding There might be many an ugly finding, On you let this thought be ever binding I'll never let lose our friendship's winding. I might not be with you in all your celebrations I might not be there in your jubilations, I might be away from all your expeditions But my dear I’ll will right there with you,        in times of your humiliations. Come what may, let the situations whip For you, the  to hell I’ll take a trip, For God has given me the sweetest sip The sip of our cherished FRIENDSHIP.


Walking together holding palms, He wished he could hold her in his arms. An angel so loving and kind, He knew she would be his rarest find. Her frowns were fairer far, Than the smiles of many a maiden are. With her mere presence what joy she could bring! Her scolding was sweeter than the sweetest a nightingale could sing. He wanted to share his laughter and tears, Determined to be by her side in all her fears. Holding her at a special place in heart, He promised himself to never set himself apart. Destiny had some other plans laid, They departed with promises unsaid. Wide eyes longed for one more glance, He wished he had just one more chance. Love had already lit its fire, Meeting her was now his irresistible desire. His heart could no more afford another debacle, With closed eyes and a pure heart, he only wished for a miracle… a MIRACLE…


His heart wanted to sing a song, For no reason, he wanted to dance for long. Never, he had such a sweet smile embrace, At once, he learned it was God’s grace. He could feel within himself the love flame, Only her charms took the blame. Feelings and thrills took to new heights, With his emotions he had pulsating fights. Her words sounded sweeter than the flute, Every movement, every act of hers, seemed so cute. For once, in him, he had something to desire, For once, in him, someone had lit the fire.


          T hrough my cheeks Rolls down my tear, I remember the creaks That cost us dear, I remember all our vows Of  having no qualms, no fear, I remember every word Of yours my dear, I remember all those moments When you were here, I remember those moments Of the stars being so near, I remember the love That made us shed all fear, I remember your bright Shining eyes so very clear, I remember the smiles You always used to wear, I now realize, it was GOD indeed When you were NEAR.